Because filmmakers, not critics, should tell the stories...

Most film reviews appear to do little more than explain and, thus, spoil the plot. I'm tired of carefully scanning reviews to get to actual opinions. Hence, I'm committed to writing reviews that focus not on plot, but on the overall quality of the film. And if you want a film reviewed, just let me know; I'm open to suggestions.


So...What's the deal?

I love movies.  Similarly, I abhor knowing the plot of a movie before I see it.  What passes as a "movie review" these days is typically about 80%* movie summary with the leftovers comprising what should have been the bulk of the content.  Well, here I am to save the day- though perhaps that's a tad bit dramatic.  This blog is for reviews which don't reveal vital plot information yet still give an appraisal of major film elements (acting, effects, score, etc.)

Why haven't you reviewed movie "xyz"?

Maybe I haven't seen it yet (my wallet is crying these days).  One thing is for certain: there is a much better chance I'll review something if you leave a comment letting me know you'd like a review.  Even during weeks when I have more free time, I simply can't review EVERYTHING.

Will you post guest reviews?

Certainly.  The key is that they have to fall within the standards set by the other reviews.  Read a couple of mine for a movie you have seen to understand what I'm NOT revealing.

Can I use your reviews elsewhere?

Only if you link back to this blog.